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D-Trait Gives the Music Industry Authentic Energy

Writer's picture: Lyrical FeverLyrical Fever

1.What first got you into music?

D-Trait: Honestly I’ve always loved music.. I was prolly jammin when I was in the whom. lol everyone in my Family loves music so I guess you could say I got it honest.. I’ve been making sounds and music since I was like 3.

2.Who inspired you to make music?

D-Trait: to be real I cant necessarily say someone inspired me to make music.. I’ve always had a God given gift for music creation and making music has always just.. felt right to me.. ever since a child it has always felt like what I should be doing.

3.How would you describe the music that you typically create?

D-Trait: mmmmph

that’s a good question.. it’s hard to answer because my music is a-lot of things… I would describe it as Love, Rage, Joy & pain living as roommates like an RDC ..  like a Baskin and Robins… I got flavors for days…  as someone who has mastered a vast array of styles and skills any one of those Traits can be present at any given time. As D-Trait the game is missing I take pride in providing music that is unique to the listener.. both in sound & feel.

4.What is your creative process like?       

D-Trait: Music is like food to me, you can make fast food, you can make soul food, you can make healthy food , you can make unhealthy food that tastes amazing.. lol

 the studio is my culinary kitchen, That’s why we call it cooking up.. so when I cook up, my creative process is to treat my music like a scratch kitchen… we (usually me and Roger(WhoIsROG) or me & LS) start with nothing.. we create, & walk out of the studio with something! We cook from scratch on this side! We playin keys! We designing sounds, we makin drum patters, and bringing in musicians.. guitarists, brass guys etc.. we not playin no games!

5.Who would you most like to collaborate with?

D-Trait: Twista (whom I already have a song with featured on my upcoming project “I.T.S”(In This Season) DMX 

 (RIP King ), Busta Rhymes, Drake, Tank, Daniel Daley (DVSN) , Nas, Meek, Lil Tecca, Trippy Red, Doja Cat, Angelica Vila, Her, Sza, Timbaland, Swizz, Devontae Swing, Tim&Bob, Honorable C Note , Nineteen85…

There’s definitely more but that’s my idea of a reasonable list.. for now 


6.If you could go open a show for any artist who would it be? D-Trait: DRIZZY!!!!

No question! 

 it’s a #OVO ting yeh?

7.What is one message you would give to your fans? 

D-Trait: Good things come to those who wait.. And I KNOW you’ve been waiting on this project! I promise it will be worth it! It will be my absolute best work to date and I promise you it has so many slaps on it that it will be timeless to you, I love you all, & remember you can never loose when you lead with love.. Be Your Best Trait.

8.Do you sing in the shower? What songs?


 .. some of my best songs have come from shower freestyles, vibes or beats I came up with in the shower.. if I’m not creating, as a listener I listen to whatever type of music will set the tone to execute whatever Im tryna accomplish at that time.. right music for the mission you heard? Whether it’s praise & worship, Trap, Drill, R&B, Pop, or rock they all have a place.

9.Where have you performed? Do you have any upcoming shows?

D-Trait: I have performed at Ball Arena(where the nuggets play) .. also performed there when it was still called the Pepsi center. I have performed at the Bluebird, Ophelia’s, meadowlark, Levitt Pavilion , live @ jacks, the Daniels & Fisher clock tower on the 16th street-mall(Denver, Co) Herman’s hideaway, Herbs, Denver performing arts complex sculpture park main stage, Beta night club, syntax, your moms house(really the venue name), keystone lodge, the black box, Emory University, city hall/now vinyl night club, venue, the soiled dove, club atmosphere, cold crush a bunch of SoFar sounds shows(shout out Sofar) and many more lol

.. I done did it all damn near lol As you can probably tell I perform a lot, Im taking a short break to really focus on this project and a large scale event I am planning. Stay tuned.

10.How do you feel the Internet has impacted the music business?

D-Trait: not to sound old folky.. lol but I think it has devalued the art.. anytime access to something is abundant it has less value. Lamborghinis cost what they cost because they use high quality materials and they are a limited run.. it’s not as easy to get one as a Honda civic for example.. as a result the two have completely different price ranges and demographics they market to. In music its not like that… if I spend 80k making my project it’s veiwed in the same light and put on the same platforms as the person who spent 15 dollars making their project.. exclusivity in music is hard to achieve because society has been conditioned to think music isn’t worth *really* paying for and the modern day streaming platforms are to blame for that due to their business models… why does it take a million streams to get $3500.00???? That’s barely a livable wage in my city.. and let’s keep it a buck what percentage of artists are consistently doing a million streams every month? . . I’m just saying.. On the positive side the ability to reach every single corner of the world is amazing, and the ability to do so almost instantly & simultaneously is even more mind blowing when you think about how much power that is if leveraged correctly.. for example , like a month ago I did 7,000 streams in one week! In a Town/city called Helsinki in Finland

 a place i’d never heard of, in a country I’ve never been to..the ability to grow your base world wide is a tremendous blessing and for that I am thankful, the internet is what makes that possible.

11.What is your favorite song to perform?

D-Trait: of my newer catalogue: “Believe Me”,   “Lil Bih” , “All of the bag” & “Let Her Out”    of my older catalogue: “Man Around This B****” ,  “Finessing Me” ,  “Couple Minutes”, and ”thinkin bout you thinkin Bout me”  .. I know that’s a long list but the crowd engagement built into each of these is krazy!!!! People go nutz every time I hit these in my set & people request some of the older ones a lot.. especially on nights when I have my band with me. Shout out to TheTraits (my band)

12.What’s next for you?

D-Trait: Man, that could be the most long winded answer ever!

 .. I’ll keep it short. The next thing for me is getting this powerful & uniquely crafted project to the world! I.T.S everything! “In This Season” is a huge project for me, I’ve pushed my limits, I’ve broken barriers, I’ve expanded my skills and my sound, I experimented, I jumped off the porch! I got the co-sign from a Legend! And I truly put my everything into it. It’s been 5 years since I dropped a body of work of this scale, I WILL make it count in every way! With that comes the  release event, and other supporting content, videos, radio & social marketing pushes, imma be EVERYWHERE! And a subsoquent tour! Billboards 2024!!!! & then it’s Plaque time! 

Grammys on the desk! & Plaques on the wall! Let’s get it!



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